Errata #13
openVampire story bane power questionable.
The Vampire story bane in Core almost uniquely penalizes players for "playing a card". As per Core, this includes character powers (which is 'playing your character card'). This is extremely non-intuitive and doesn't match other similar effects, and leads to awful gameplay when considering that it effects all players... at least if you play RAW, which apparently nobody does.
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Updated by Nickademus over 3 years ago
I always played is as recharging a card to use a character card power. It was challenging but didn't seem imbalanced.
If this is not desired though, I recommend changing this power:
"While acting, before any character plays a card, that character recharges a card."
"While acting, before any character plays a boon , that character recharges a card."
Updated by keith over 3 years ago
Yeah, that wording was before you really played character cards. I'd suggest boons, though I could even see going for boon in hand to make displayed boons more effective.
Updated by Nickademus over 3 years ago
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