



Errata #7


PACS rewards improperly use the term "New."

Added by Nickademus over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Society Play


PACS Guide is faulty at covering what happens to "New" boons given as scenario rewards (


  • Describe current behavior
  • Possible insight from Keith
  • Describe desired behavior
  • Draft final wording
  • Content Review approval
  • FAQ entry created
Actions #1

Updated by Nickademus over 3 years ago

The Dragon's Demand sanctioning has the appropriate wording for what it is trying to accomplish (adding a random card from the vault to the cards you acquired and thus count for upgrades). The problem is that the Guide has a section that appears to handle something pre-Core? Why does the Guide say this anyway:
"If you are rewarded with a card from the vault, instead take a random card of the same type that is not already part of your deck from your Class Deck box."?

Actions #2

Updated by keith over 3 years ago

I think that's a legacy error.

Actions #3

Updated by Nickademus over 3 years ago

  • Checklist item Possible insight from Keith set to Done
Actions #4

Updated by Nickademus over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Pending
Actions #5

Updated by MorkXII over 3 years ago

I think the best fix for this might be to entirely remove this paragraph from the guide:

"If you are rewarded with a card from the vault, instead take a random card of the same type that is not already part of your deck from your Class Deck box. The card’s level cannot be higher than your character’s tier. For example, if your character is Tier 2, and a reward gives you an item from the vault, you’ll take a random item from your Class Deck box that has a level no higher than 2."

and possibly replace it with:

"If you are rewarded with a card from the vault, draw new card from the vault and add it to the cards acquired during the scenario."

That has the advantage of fixing some of the rewards from early seasons as well.

Actions #6

Updated by Nickademus over 3 years ago

That is along the lines of what I was thinking. I'm not familiar with the earlier seasons though, so I don't know how that would fix some of them (but not all). I'm waiting for the others to respond.


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