


Adventure 7-4 » History » Version 9

NathanDavis, 03/18/2023 03:35 AM

1 1 Mhuirich
# Adventure 7-4
2 9 NathanDavis
Adventure Reward: Gain a hero point. Choose a type of feat and increase their maximum number of that feat type to their tier + 1
3 1 Mhuirich
4 4 Nickademus
* [[Scenario 7-4A]]
5 2 Mhuirich
* [[Scenario 7-4B]]
6 8 Nickademus
* [[Scenario 7-4C1]] 
7 6 Nickademus
* [[Scenario 7-4C2]] 
8 1 Mhuirich
* [[Scenario 7-4D]]