


Scenario 7-5A » History » Version 2

Nickademus, 08/16/2021 11:07 PM

1 1 Nickademus
# Scenario 7-5A: The Chambers of Truth
2 2 Nickademus
**Read the Following Aloud:** **
3 1 Nickademus
With no further recourse, you head to the Hospice district to find a good tavern. The Ready Blade is a small inn, but it caters mostly to itinerant mercenaries and adventurers. After an evening of swapping adventuring stories and buying drinks, you learn very little about the Vault of the Sleepers that the Duskwardens didn’t already tell you. However, you did hear rumor of a place in the Undercity that could fit the description of what you are looking for.
For a long time, a group of scholars called the Council of Truth ignored the dangers of living below the city and took up residence in several of the chambers beneath the Oriat district. There they conducted research into things dealing with life and death, until they all mysteriously vanished that is. The Duckwardens sealed up the chambers, which were deemed to be too dangerous to explore due to the remaining wards and constructs of the Council.
It is not much to go on, but a place where wizards studied death and built constructs sounds familiar from what you experienced in the Cinderlands. Perhaps Lysanar was a member of this group.
The drunken adventurers were also kind enough to let slip the way to get to the blocked off Chambers of Truth, each marked by the chiseled symbol of an owl. In the morning, you shall delve down to find one of these passages and break it open, as long as you’re not too hung over…
**Suggested Henchmen:** constructs
**Scenario Concept:** an abandoned research facility full of magical protections and guardian constructs. Somewhere in the complex is a set of arcane tomes written in a strange code.
13 2 Nickademus
**Development:** **
14 1 Nickademus
While finding the Chambers was easy, clearing them out was not. You find nothing to indicate why the Council disappeared or anything that would connect them with the evil artifacts of Lysanar. What you did find, though, was a handful of arcane tomes written in a strange code. They might contain a clue to all of this, if you can find someone that can read them.