


Scenario 7-5C » History » Version 1

Nickademus, 08/23/2021 11:11 PM

1 1 Nickademus
# Scenario 7-5C
## Read the Following Aloud:
The Ardoc residence is as luxurious as you would expect for the lead mercantile family in the city. After waiting for the expected amount of time, you are curtly greeted by an old man with a short, well-groomed beard of white hair. Despite his age, the man’s posture and expression as he regards you gives off an aura of authority. Flanking him is a pair of iron golems, the trademark product of the Ardoc golemcrafters. Standing two heads taller than the man, the metal constructs also seem to give off an aura of authority… and danger.
“I am Merriman Ardoc, the patriarch of the Ardoc family, as our mutual acquaintance has probably already told you. He was none too happy from the message I received; I hope you roughed him up good. It is always a benefit to put the Circle mages in their place from time to time. 
“As for your business with my son Bathus and his companion… Bathus was an eccentric boy, who grew into an eccentric man, but he was never secretive. It did not sit well with me when he started slinking off with that elf to go adventuring. He isn’t one of the best of my crafters, so it didn’t hurt the family to have him gone so much. Even so, I disliked the idea of what trouble the two of them could be getting into somewhere in the Undercity. That’s why I had one of my construct follow him the last time he returned.
“It is with a bit of pride that I must confess, the construct fell victim to the defenses that Bathus and the elf set to protect their find, but not before I divined the path that they had taken. If you wish to search out my son and his companion, I will provide you a map of how to find them, on the one condition that you carry with you a focus stone so that I may witness your findings. And should Bathus need aid and you assist him, I am willing to donate an iron golem to the Pathfinder Society as compensation for your troubles.”
You can see now why the Ardoc family has been so successful in Kaer Maga. That is a difficult offer to refuse. Tucking the focus stone in your pack, you look over the hand drawn map. It seems a lesser known shaft that descends to a place called The Shrine of the Seal has a series of tombs along the way. You don’t know who was buried there, but apparently one had a secret door in the back of the tomb. The construct followed Bathus into another shaft beyond.
Time to delve yet again into the Undercity of Kaer Maga.
**Suggested Henchmen:** arcane and mechanical traps 
**Suggested Location:** The Vault of the Sleepers
**Scenario Concept:** A two-parter with the first part being the descent through trapped tunnels and the second part being the Vault filled with undead.
## Development:
The map was fairly accurate, leading you directly to what Lysanar called the Vault of the Sleepers. A vast chamber filled with endless rows of stone soldiers greeted you. The soldiers, frozen in poses of attention and readiness, stood as silent testimony to the power that the commander of this army could wield. Between the stone statues lurked foul undead, guarding the secrets of the room. You were able to fight your way through the creatures to the far side of the room where a man is studying friezes on the wall by torch light. Beside him stands another trademark Ardoc iron golem; you have found Bathus.