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cartmanbeck, 09/01/2021 03:05 PM

Adventure 7-5


5A The Chambers of Truth

  1. Hospice
  2. Den of Iniquity
  3. Cave
  4. Crypt
  5. Laboratory
  6. Dungeons
  7. Chambers
  8. Oubliette
    Villain: None Closing Henchmen: Screaming Locks - Proxy A Danger: Clockwork Guardian"

After building location decks, shuffle together three non-closing henchmen Arcane Tome - Proxy B and a number of new items equal to the number of locations - 3, then shuffle one of these into each location.
Each character suffers the scourge Poisoned.

During this Scenario:
The difficulty to defeat the story bane Screaming Lock is increased by #.
When you would close a location, summon and encounter the danger; if it is undefeated, the location does not close.
When a location closes, before banishing cards, you may search it for an Arcane Tome and display it next to the scenario; if you do not find one, suffer 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
To win, close all locations.

Reward: Loot: Staff of Greater Necromancy
If three Arcane Tomes were displayed, each character may search the vault for a boon and draw it; PACS characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.

New Story Bane
Arcane Tome
Story Bane 5

Traits: Book Arcane Task

To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom 16 OR Craft 14

When you examine this card suffer 1 Force damage, then encounter it; the difficulty to defeat is decreased by 1d4.
If defeated, display this card next to the scenario.
If undefeated, suffer 1d6 Force damage.

Updated by cartmanbeck over 3 years ago · 1 revisions