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cartmanbeck, 09/01/2021 03:06 PM

Adventure 7-5


5A The Chambers of Truth

  1. Hospice
  2. Den of Iniquity
  3. Cave
  4. Crypt
  5. Laboratory
  6. Dungeons
  7. Chambers
  8. Oubliette
    Villain: None Closing Henchmen: Screaming Locks - Proxy A Danger: Clockwork Guardian"

After building location decks, shuffle together three non-closing henchmen Arcane Tome - Proxy B and a number of new items equal to the number of locations - 3, then shuffle one of these into each location.
Each character suffers the scourge Poisoned.

During this Scenario:
The difficulty to defeat the story bane Screaming Lock is increased by #.
When you would close a location, summon and encounter the danger; if it is undefeated, the location does not close.
When a location closes, before banishing cards, you may search it for an Arcane Tome and display it next to the scenario; if you do not find one, suffer 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
To win, close all locations.

Reward: Loot: Staff of Greater Necromancy
If three Arcane Tomes were displayed, each character may search the vault for a boon and draw it; PACS characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.

New Story Bane
Arcane Tome
Story Bane 5

Traits: Book Arcane Task

To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom 16 OR Craft 14

When you examine this card suffer 1 Force damage, then encounter it; the difficulty to defeat is decreased by 1d4.
If defeated, display this card next to the scenario.
If undefeated, suffer 1d6 Force damage.


Troubles with Tomes

  1. Docks
  2. Tenement
  3. Office
  4. Rooftops
  5. Slaughterhouse
  6. Cathedral
  7. Tavern

Villain: See setup
Non-closing Henchmen: Collapse, Homunculus, Inferno Trap, Cultists - Proxy A
Danger: Witness, Cultist

When building the locations, build small locations.
After building the locations, summon and build the small location Alley and shuffle the villain Bloatmage - Proxy V1 into it.

Note: The story bane Bloatmage can be found in PACS Adventure 7-1: . If you do not have access to this bane, you may substitute the Bloatmage with the story bane Togomor from Curse of the Crimson Thrones Adventure 6; in this case, reduce the difficutly of checks to defeat Togomor by 2.

During this Scenario: After your move step, attempt a Wisdom or Perception 8 check; if successful, examine the top 2 cards of your location, or if you succeed by 4 or more, examine the top 3 cards instead; if you examine the Bloatmage, encounter it.
When you defeat the Bloatmage, draw a new spell. Then, if the Bloatmage came from the Alley, he escapes as normal, ignoring the Alley; if he did not come from the Alley, instead shuffle him into the Alley.
Locations cannot be guarded. After closing the Alley, summon and build the small location Alley.

Reward: Each character chooses a type of feat and increases their maximum number of that feat to their tier +1.

Updated by cartmanbeck over 3 years ago · 2 revisions