


Adventure 7-5 » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (cartmanbeck, 09/14/2021 03:28 PM) → Revision 6/9 (cartmanbeck, 09/14/2021 03:32 PM)

# Adventure 7-5 


 5A 	 The Chambers of Truth 	 ** 
 1-- 1. Hospice 
 1-- 1. Den of Iniquity 
 1-- 1. Cave 
 2-- 2. Crypt 
 3-- 3. Laboratory 
 4-- 4. Dungeons 
 5-- 5. Chambers 
 6-- 6. Oubliette 	

 Villain: None 
 Closing Henchmen: Screaming Locks - Proxy A  
 Danger: Clockwork Guardian" 

 After building location decks, shuffle together three non-closing henchmen Arcane Tome <NEW STORY BANE> - Proxy B and a number of new items equal to the number of locations - 3, then shuffle one of these into each location. 
 Each character suffers the scourge Poisoned. 	

 During this Scenario:  
 The difficulty to defeat the story bane Screaming Lock is increased by #. 
 When you would close a location, summon and encounter the danger; if it is undefeated, the location does not close.  
 When a location closes, before banishing cards, you may search it for an Arcane Tome and display it next to the scenario; if you do not find one, suffer 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced. 
 To win, close all locations. 

 Reward: Loot: Staff of Greater Necromancy 
 If three Arcane Tomes were displayed, each character may search the vault for a boon and draw it; PACS characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade. 

 **New Story Bane** 
 Arcane Tome 	
 Story Bane 	 5 	
 Traits: Book Arcane Task 	
 To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom 16 OR Craft 14 	
 When you examine this card suffer 1 Force damage, then encounter it; the difficulty to defeat is decreased by 1d4. 
 If defeated, display this card next to the scenario. 
 If undefeated, suffer 1d6 Force damage. 


 Troubles with Tomes** 	
 1-- 1. Docks 
 1-- 1. Tenement 
 2-- 2. Office 
 3-- 3. Rooftops 
 4-- 4. Slaughterhouse 
 5-- 5. Cathedral 
 6-- 6. Tavern 
 Villain: See setup 
 Non-closing Henchmen: Collapse, Homunculus, Inferno Trap, Cultists - Proxy A 
 Danger: Witness, Cultist 	

 When building the locations, build small locations. 
 After building the locations, summon and build the small location Alley and shuffle the villain Bloatmage - Proxy V1 into it. 

 Note: The story bane Bloatmage can be found in PACS Adventure 7-1: <NAME HERE>. If you do not have access to this bane, you may substitute the Bloatmage with the story bane Togomor from Curse of the Crimson Thrones Adventure 6; in this case, reduce the difficutly of checks to defeat Togomor by 2. 	

 During this Scenario: After your move step, attempt a Wisdom or Perception 8 check; if successful, examine the top 2 cards of your location, or if you succeed by 4 or more, examine the top 3 cards instead; if you examine the Bloatmage, encounter it.  
 When you defeat the Bloatmage, draw a new spell. Then, if the Bloatmage came from the Alley, he escapes as normal, ignoring the Alley; if he did not come from the Alley, instead shuffle him into the Alley. 
 Locations cannot be guarded. After closing the Alley, summon and build the small location Alley. 	

 Reward: Each character chooses a type of feat and increases their maximum number of that feat to their tier +1. 

 The Vault of the Sleepers** 	

 1-- 1. Crypt 
 2-- 2. Lair 
 3-- 3. Spider Nest 
 4-- 4. Ossuary 
 5-- 5. Dungeons 
 6-- 6. Twisting Passages 

 Villain: None 
 Closing Henchmen: Danse Macabre, the barriers Crematory Blast, Dispelling Mist, Madness Mist Trap, Trapped Chest, and Exploding Runes  
 Danger: Each time you encounter the danger, randomly choose a new Trap barrier. 

 Setup: 	 Before building locations, set aside the barriers listed in the closing henchmen list. 	

 During this scenario:  
 When you close the last listed location, summon and build the large location Vault of the Sleepers, shuffling a number of new Undead monsters into it equal to the number of characters. 
 To win, empty and close the Vault of the Sleepers. 	

 Reward: Loot: Sadomasochism, the spell Boneshatter, the armor Mantle of Faith 

 New location:  
 **Vault of the Sleepers** 
	 S. M. L 
 Monster 2 3 4 	
 Barrier 2 2 3 	
 Weapon 0 0 0 	
 Spell 1 1 1 	
 Armor 0 0 0 	
 Item 1 2 2 	
 Ally 0 0 0 	
 Blessing 0 1 2 		

 Traits: Underground, Sacred 	
 At this location: After you encounter an Undead bane, if it was not defeated, suffer the scourge Drained. 	
 To guard or close: Wisdom/Divine/Arcane 10 	
 When closed: You may choose Arcane or Divine, then summon and encounter a new spell of that type.