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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
53 Rules and Errata Errata New Low Blessing of Osiris healing 09/13/2021 02:42 PM Actions
52 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Blessings matching the hour 08/10/2021 04:25 PM Actions
51 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Sin Seeker with distant allies 08/10/2021 04:24 PM Actions
50 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Compelling Offer has incomplete instructions 08/10/2021 04:23 PM Actions
49 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Partial skill matches for Erasmus's Spirit Relatives 08/10/2021 04:22 PM Actions
48 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Damage timing 08/10/2021 04:21 PM Actions
47 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Suffering zero damage 08/10/2021 04:18 PM Actions
46 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Dire Lion damage increase 08/10/2021 04:15 PM Actions
45 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low The Courtesan's Hour power shouldn't affect the barriers it causes 08/10/2021 04:13 PM Actions
44 Character Creation Character New Normal Augustillle, Troll Augur 08/02/2021 01:10 PM Actions
43 Rules and Errata Errata In Progress High Should the 2018 Open have the location Scorched Obelisk in the location list? 08/10/2021 04:27 PM Actions
42 Rules and Errata Errata Awaiting Review High PACS modifying class deck errata. 07/16/2021 07:46 PM Actions
41 Box Runner Website Feature New Normal Player Decks from the Vault 07/18/2021 11:03 AM Actions
40 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low CotCT supporter list not exclusive. 07/16/2021 07:50 PM Actions
39 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Season of the Righteous AD2 reward. 07/16/2021 07:50 PM Actions
37 Rules and Errata Errata In Progress High PACS Adventurer's Packs 07/16/2021 09:04 AM Actions
36 Rules and Errata Errata In Progress High PACS Owner cards. 07/16/2021 09:36 AM Actions
32 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Story as an adjective. 07/16/2021 07:50 PM Actions
31 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Pre-Core character weakening feats. 07/16/2021 07:50 PM Actions
30 Rules and Errata Errata In Progress High Affecting cards that have already been affected. 07/16/2021 07:48 PM Actions
29 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Cards played while taking damage. 07/16/2021 07:51 PM Actions
28 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Alchemist's Kit allows multi-exploring. 07/16/2021 07:51 PM Actions
27 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Alahazra's infinite combo. 07/16/2021 07:51 PM Actions
26 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Character interacting with cards not used for powers. 07/16/2021 07:51 PM Actions
25 Rules and Errata Errata Pending Low Auto-success powers and Core combat checks. 07/16/2021 07:51 PM Actions
(1-25/48) Per page: 25, 50

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